Posted by: whitehallschool | September 28, 2011

Autumn Term Open Morning

 On a glorious sunny morning, current and prospective parents were invited toWhitehallfor our Autumn Term Open Morning. The school and grounds were looking wonderful, thanks to the great efforts of all staff and children over the previous couple of weeks.

Several current pupils willingly gave up part of their Saturday to come and participate in the special lessons staff had prepared, and, smartly dressed in their uniforms, were universally a credit to the school.

Visitors were able to wander through the school and gardens at will, taking in teaching activities including leaf printing, cookery (the apple crumbles looked and smelled delicious!), Maths games involving tiddlywinks and dartboards, Autumn poetry, learning the months and seasons in French and  special weekend swimming lessons! A wide variety of interactive Early Years activities were available in the Foundation and Reception classrooms and delicious refreshments had been laid on by our supportive school PTA in the library.

All who attended thoroughly enjoyed the experience and a huge number of positive comments were made about the fantastic look and feel of the school.

Thank you to all the children who came and representedWhitehallso wonderfully, to the PTA for their time and efforts with the refreshments and to all staff for their hard work before and during Open Day itself.

If you were unable to attend on this occasion, remember, every day is an Open Day atWhitehall; please telephone the school office to make an appointment to come and visit us soon.
